This is not one of those typical from-my-mother's-garage-to-billionaire business books. This is a small business book not readily found on shelves in your local bookstore or library.
This book speaks to the hundreds of thousands of present and future regular small business owners in need of practical advice and encouragement delivered with humour and real-life anecdotes. In other words, the huge majority of small businesses owners who are unlikely to appear on the evening news but who toil away daily because bread must be put in the table and children must be housed, clothed, and fed. And, hopefully, there will be fun along the way and a liveable retirement nest egg at the end.
See what some readers have said: "I loved the conversational, story-telling style, which is often funny and so very true."; "Really refreshing to read a down-to-earth observation of what it's like to run and survive the obstacles of small business."; "The tone is one of a learned pal chatting about his experiences with you over a coffee."; and "It's clever, concrete, funny and fresh."