Las culturas nahua del M?xico antiguo ten?an que in xochitl in cuicatl, flor y canto, la poes?a, la palabra inspirada era lo ?nico que perduraba porque dec?a verdad. CHALCHIHUIXOCHITL, FLOR DE PIEDRA VERDE, FLOWER OF JADE es un intento de captar las verdades de nuestro tiempo y nuestro mundo a trav?s de una aproximaci?n del lente de la sensibilidad y percepci?n de nuestros antepasados nahuas.
The Nahua cultures of ancient Mexico held that in xochitl in cuicatl, flor y canto, flower & song, poetry, the inspired word was the only thing that endured because it spoke truth. CHALCHIHUIXOCHITL, FLOR DE PIEDRA VERDE, FLOWER OF JADE is an attempt to capture the truths of our time and our world through an approximation of the lens of sensibility and perception of our Nahua forebears.
Poetry. Latinx Studies.
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