This book contains the introduction and works of four famous Islamic scholars i.e. Imam Malik, Imam Daraqutni, Imam Tabari and Imam Ghazali. Malik ibn Anas was a Sunni Muslim scholar, theologian, jurist, traditionist, and writer and rose to become the premier scholar of narrations in his day. Al-Daraqutni was a 10th-century muhaddith best known for compiling the hadith collection Sunan al-Daraqutni. Al-Tabari is widely known for his historical works and expertise in Quranic exegesis. He authored works on a diverse range of subjects, including world history, poetry, lexicography, grammar, ethics, mathematics, and medicine. Among his most famous and influential works are his Quranic commentary, Tafsir al-Tabari, and historical chronicle, Tarikh al-Tabari. Al-Ghazali is known as one of the most prominent and influential jurisconsults, legal theoreticians, muftis, philosophers, theologians, logicians and mystics in Islamic history. He is considered to be the 11th century's mujaddid.