Cinderella in the 59th Century.
The original settlers on Anseris wanted to create a romanticized version of European Middle Ages on their new home. Instead they create a copy of the real thing. The planet remaineded backwards and stagnant for centuries.
Briefly, Anseris was accidentally contacted by more advanced human civilisation. Now it has been quarentined by the Aggelii, powerful aliens who look like angels, until it is ready.
Before his death, a source of great wealth was discovered within the Barony of Cenerentola. The Baron, Gilbert du Fauche wanted to share it wish his tennants. His wife and her bussiness partners had other ideas.
When the Baron dies mysteriously, his widow discovers a way to disinherit Chantelle, the Baron's oldest child. Chantelle is forced to work as a servant in her own home. Chantelle, who has suspicions about her father's death uses this as an oppurtunity to investigate. As a servant she has free access to the whole of Cenerentola House, able to visit parts of the building she never previously had access to.
With the help of friends and sympathetic relatives, Chantelle sets out to solve the mystery.