Cellulose: Development, Processing, and Applications covers topics related to advanced cellulose development and processing, as well as the utilization of major agricultural and biomass waste. It discusses the utilization of cellulose from other agricultural and biomass materials, including oil palm biomass, bamboo, and other non-wood forest products in emerging areas. It covers the treatments used to improve the quality of cellulosic materials in specific applications. Following that, the book delves into the use of cellulosic materials in the application of composting science and technology.
Delves into the specific agriculture waste/biomass waste materials used for the advanced cellulose-based production Outlines the potential use of the covered materials for energy production and other emerging applications Includes composting technology and processes using the cellulosic materials Overviews industrial applications of cellulose from agricultural waste/biomass waste and composting technology Discusses the main agricultural waste/biomass in the Asian regionThis book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in chemical engineering, bioprocessing, composites, and biotechnology.
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