When I was nineteen, I joined the Air Force to avoid the draft. My first duty station was a remote hardship tour in Nakhon Phanom Thailand. That was the first country I lived in outside the US and I visited Vietnam, Laos, and Australia while there. This was followed by a tour in England where I visited Germany, Spain, Italy, and Norway. This gave me a taste for traveling that I never lost. Since that time in the early 70's I continued to find jobs that allowed me to travel.
Since 1970, I have visited 132 different countries and have lived in 10. I have lived in countries that are Muslim, Socialist, and Capitalistic. I worked on computers for 30 years. I then moved into satellites and was earned a job; installing Satellite Cafes in Iraq. I spent 10 months traveling around Iraq with only a backpack. The job brought me into contact with members of the State Department who encouraged me to apply for a position with the State Department. I did and was hired into Diplomatic Security.
During my time in Diplomatic Security, I visited Bahrain and Abu Dhabi before being assigned to Mexico City. While stationed in Mexico I traveled to every country in Central America except Belize. After Central America, I was then assigned to Pakistan after which I was then assigned to West Africa.
While I was assigned to Dakar Senegal in West Africa, I traveled to Mauritania, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, and Serra Leone. It was during this time my wife returned to the US for Medical reason leaving me alone in Senegal. By myself, again I decided to begin writing. At the time, I had no idea what I was going to write about and just began writing. The story changed several times before I settled onto the story you read today.
This has been a labor of love for over two years and I hope you find enjoyment in it.