MUCH of life is unseen, unsaid...
The fantasy of CAT MOTHER begins in the ink, drawings of its author-artist.
Based on true stories gathered from life, the narrative presents a magical space-time of Bu?uelian proportions.
Mourning her husband's death from COVID; Geni, childless, asthmatic, a 60+ artist, sinks deeper into depression with the demise of her beloved pet cat. Drawing a picture of a puma brings on an uncanny materialization of a hybrid feline, the Amandapuss; who appears periodically, culling consciousness.
Attempting to re-group by visiting Anasazi ruins, dangerous conditions thwart her travels and promote contemplation of suicide. As a desert storm sweeps away her backpack and dependable inhaler, Geni gives chase. Now lost, her shamanistic adventure begins with acquires a jewel from a mummy.
Walking through a slot canyon to return home, confrontations ensue as she encounters greedy ranchers fighting over land, a family playing in a toxic lake, and an emotionally abused boy; that pin down her discontent with humanity. Wrestling with an angel, meeting a mermaid, the ghosts of her parents, Rosette Porcupine, and Ella, simultaneously a camel and a rock formation, Geni digs deeper and evolves.
Escape rising flash flood waters, she shape-shifts and swims the UNITING FIELD of ancestral energy and love. Re-connected to life's essential core, Geni realizes the cat spirit of the puma has mothered her into completion.