1. Cancer Biology
Ian A. Cree
2. Principles of Cancer Cell Culture
Ian A. Cree
3. Storage of Cell Lines
Katharine A. Parker
4. Characterization and Authentication of Cancer Cell Lines: An Overview
Yvonne A. Reid
5. Online Verification of Human Cell Line Identity by STR DNA Typing
Wilhelm G. Dirks and Hans G. Drexler
6. Cytogenetic Analysis of Cancer Cell Lines
Roderick A. F. MacLeod and Hans G. Drexler
7. Cell Culture Contamination
Glyn N. Stacey
8. Detecting Mycoplasma Contamination in Cell Cultures by Polymerase Chain Reaction
Cord C. Uphoff and Hans G. Drexler
9. Elimination of Mycoplasma from Infected Cell Lines Using Antibiotics
Cord C. Uphoff and Hans G. Drexler
10. Quality Assurance and Good Laboratory Practice
Louise A. Knight and Ian A. Cree
11. Generation of Lung Cancer Cell Line Variants by Drug Selection or Cloning
Laura Breen, Joanne Keenan, and Martin Clynes
12. Isolation and Culture of Colon Cancer Cells and Cell Lines
Sharon Glaysher and Ian A. Cree
13. Isolation and Culture of Melanoma and Naevus Cells and Cell Lines
Julia K. Soo, Alastair D. MacKenzie Ross, and Dorothy C. Bennett
14. Isolation and Culture of Squamous Cell Carcinomalines
Karin J. Purdie, Celine Pourreyron, and Andrew P. South
15. Isolation and Culture of Ovarian Cancer Cells and Cell Lines
Christian M. Kurbacher, Cornelia Korn, Susanne Dexel, Ulrike Schween, Jutta A. Kurbacher, Ralf Reichelt, and Petra N. Arenz
16. Establishment and Culture of Leukemia-Lymphoma Cell Lines
Hans G. Drexler
17. Isolation of Inflammatory Cells from Human Tumors
Marta Polak
18. Isolation of Endothelial Cells from Human Tumors
Elisabeth Naschberger, Vera S. Schellerer, Tilman T. Rau, Roland S. Croner, and Michael St?rzl
19. Cellular Chemosensitivity Assays: An Overview
Venil N. Sumantran
20. Cell Sensitivity Assays: The MTT Assay
J. van Meerlo, G.J.L. Kaspers, and J.Cloos
21. Cell Sensitivity Assays: The ATP-based Tumor Chemosensitivity Assay
Sharon Glaysher and Ian A. Cree
22. The Differential Staining Cytotoxicity (DiSC) Assay: A Review
Larry M. Weisenthal
23. Real-time Cytotoxicity Assays
Donald Wlodkowic, Shannon Faley, Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz, and Jonathan M. Cooper
24. FPurification of Annexin V and its use in the Detection of Apoptotic Cells
Katy M. Coxon, James Duggan, M. Francesca Cordeiro, and Stephen E. Moss
25. Measurement of DNA Damage in Individual Cells Using the Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis (Comet) Assay
Janet M. Hartley, Victoria J. Spanswick, and John A. Hartley
26. Molecular Breakpoint Analysis of Chromosome Translocations in Cancer Cell Lines by Long Distance Inverse-PCR
Bj?rn Schneider, Hans G. Drexler, and Roderick A.F. MacLeod
27. Cell Migration and Invasion Assays
K.A. Moutasim, M.L. Nystrom, and G.J. Thomas
28. Angiogenesis Assays
V. Poulaki
29. Flow Cytometric DNA Analysis of Human Cancers and Cell Lines
Sarah A. Krueger and George D. Wi
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