Join Kate and the Camp Club Girls as they embark on a series of clue-filled adventures and crack the case in this entertaining and action-packed 4-in-1 mystery collection.
Where are the rats coming from at Mad River Creamery? Kate and Sydney visit a small Vermont town during their winter break. But along with their plans to enjoy the local skiing and spend time relaxing, turmoil breaks out at the local creamery. Will the Camp Club Girls triumph and vanquish the vermin of Vermont?
Who's the culprit behind the phony fossils? When Kate's former schoolteacher becomes a curator at a small science museum, she is invited to help out. . .and an accidental spilled drink leads Kate and McKenzie on a quick quest to Stone's Throw Quarry fossil camp. Will the girls' suspicions prove false?
What's causing the pretzels go flat? When Kate is chosen to attend a junior inventors' showcase in Hershey, Pennsylvania, she partners with a local pretzel factory that is willing to test her invention. Along with Alexis, Kate witnesses a rather unwelcome problem with the twisted treats. Will they be able to get to the bottom of their pretzel predicament?