A car accident has caused my life to be in complete turmoil. My memory is completely gone and I'm not certain it will ever return. My boyfriend, Keller James, is a jerk and I'm having a hard time finding what I ever saw in him. I basically have to relearn everything about my life and Keller is more than happy to fill me in on who I used to be, no matter how unbelievable that is to me. I was in a car accident with some guy named Lance Bowman, he may not survive his injuries and I may never understand why I was in the car with him in the first place. For whatever reason, I feel a connection to Lance and a desperate need to be near him. Keller is doing everything in his power to keep us apart. His threats become reality very quickly. I'm not sure of much, but I'm certain I must heed Keller's warnings and play the part he has cast for me or suffer the consequences.