Rick Cave finds himself once more outside of his Slav Space comfort zone, visiting the crime families dominated sector tucked away behind a blue energy shield. He is not exactly running a smuggling op, but still he is up to his neck in trouble delivering a cryonically cooled infant to the golden child of one of the most ruthless gangster families in the galaxy. Cave is outgunned and overwhelmed. To make already messy matters even more chaotic, the unstoppable menace known as PedeSTAIN shows up. Can Rick and PedeSTAIN put aside their past differences to get both their necks out of the wringer?
On a backwater jungle world, a former CORE forces StarBar gunnery sergeant turned mercenary lieutenant commander finds himself stranded and facing impossible odds. Inside a makeshift fort besieged by two-headed natives, he strives to stave off an army until help arrives. His resources are low, his chances are even lower, but he will not give up until the last round is fired and the last ounce of strength leaves him.
With a brief non-fiction update from Blake himself and over 15k words, the eighth issue of C. C. Blake's Sweaty Space Operas has plenty of thrills for the space opera fan.