By Grace Through Faith: A Journey of Self-Discovery is my journey of finding my voice through truth, honour, and love. My memoir describes the painful journey I have been through to find myself in this world. My story revisits childhood traumas that have grown with me and share how they have affected the various areas of my life, including my sexuality.
This book chronicles how I have found the Grace of God even in hard times and how it has transformed my life into excellence. The first seven chapters deal with the seven critical areas of who I am. The last five chapters encourage individuals to go after the life of their God-given dreams and are rooted in Biblical principles I have learned throughout my relationship with God.
This book is a testimony to individuals who have been through or, are going through similar experiences as myself. Reminding them that their past does not have to define them, and life is not happening TO us but FOR us. Lastly, reminding individuals that the minute we shift our perspective and begin viewing our experiences differently, we can use them to our advantage.
My personal relationship with God has brought me some internal conflicts that I am still working on. But with this book, my vulnerability is at its peak. It's not that I have overcome all of my past struggles, but I know that acceptance is the first step towards healing, and I want people to see someone going through it who understands.