An engaging fictionalized account of the 16th century King of England, Henry VIII's romance with Anne Boleyn dubbed "the King's great matter".
It explores the events of the life and death of the infamous Anne Boleyn and the passion and tragedy brought by her marriage to King Henry VIII.
When Anne failed to bear a male heir, the King set his sights outside their marriage. And the Boleyn family faced their repercussions - the death of Anne and her brother George and ghastly shame to their name.
Anne's blood has barely dried and now the King seats on his throne, a new bride beside him, his passion as fierce as his hate, his heart blacker than the inkiest depths.Now done with the pretense of any interest in his female heirs, he begins a quest from Queen to Queen, his only interest lying in power, women, and an heir.
Yet karma possesses inhuman patience.
And so, despite his obsessions granting him a son, power and more women, it gifts him a disease and a new title - the King of delirium