Apart from demonstrating a skilful use of stylistics through his blend of a typical African society with a regrettably savage modern one, Chiaboh's BURIED BEFORE DEATH outstandingly depicts a world where the moral depravity of an individual cum a rotten system of governance characterised by nepotism, marginalisation and a failed form of education does not only affect the life of an individual but puts a family and an entire community through seven years of excruciating pain and emotional suspense.
Tem Albert Chi, Literary Critic, Dean of Studies, New Century Institute of Learning
Buried Before Death is another outburst of creative activity in Anglophone Cameroon literature. Chiaboh artistically captures the harrowing experiences of another pariah in faraway Ednuoaya. Bam leaves his native village of Huba with hopes of returning shoulders high, but the indignities of marginalisation transform him into a lost sheep. Chiaboh projects that the plight of the minority is one that must be given due attention, otherwise the entire system will crumble.
Christopher K. Anyam, Writer and critic, The University of Yaound? I