Bulletproof goes behind the headlines to tell the before-during-and-after story of an unthinkable family tragedy. The book begins with a marriage like many other marriages, launching with love and arcing into family. Andre held my hand and made me laugh through infertility, a traumatic miscarriage, cancer, then the miraculous births of Alec and Asher. He taught me how to put on a diaper. He lay on the living room floor to set up. Thomas's train tracks. He volunteered at the temple school as a "Shabbat dad." He took Alec fishing, brought the boys to feed the ducks at the golf course pond and watch the giant fish at the Bass Pro Shop. Dark secrets began to emerge. Andre visited prostitutes, even brought them to our house. He drank too much, had a DUI and his driver's license suspended, and later, blew our savings through risky day-trading.