As a means for a seeker to realize the ultimate aim and attain emancipation (moksha), 5000 years ago, Lord ShriKrushna propounded Buddhiyog along with Bhaktiyog, Karmayog and Dnyanayog in Bhagavad Gita. However, for unexplainable reasons, a very useful and easy means like Buddhiyog remained obsolete and obscure for centuries for true aspirants. Around 730 years ago, Shri Dnyaneshwar, a renowned saint from Maharashtra, tried to revive and advocate Buddhiyog through his commentary on Gita named 'Dnyaneshwari'. Despite the reiteration of Buddhiyog in Dnyaneshwari, its neglect in the society continues. In this book, author has tried to unfold the facets and importance of Buddhiyog by narrating its usefulness, simplicity and likely practical experiences that the seekers can attain in pursuit of moksha.