Bubble Bear's Special Problem is written from the perspective of a dyslexic child, and you get to experience everything through their lens. Through vivid storytelling and engaging illustrations, this book offers a rare glimpse into the daily challenges and triumphs of a child with dyslexia. The teaching point of this book is to help children make better choices and provide them with alternatives instead of acting out. The purpose of this book is to be a teaching point on sharing core values on how we should treat others.
This book is written so that all children and adults can grasp the concepts written in this story. The motto of this book series is meant to be a teaching point on acceptance as a choice and that we all can learn from one another's unique skills and experiences and add value to the world. This is a beautifully crafted book that opens a window into the world of a dyslexic child and invites readers of all ages to experience life through their unique lens.
As the author of the Bubble Bear Books series, Marie Mason chose a book theme focused on learning disabilities because of her personal struggle of overcoming the daily challenges with her own learning disability, known as Auditory Perception. Through her own experiences, she was inspired to show teachers that there are different ways in which we learn, process, and retain information. The wisdom from this book will appeal to the young and young at heart. It's a story that will stay with you long after you've closed the book.