Alcohol, drugs, sex before marriage, divorce, lies, and feelings of condemnation: all these are ingenious attacks on Christians by Satan. He is the master of stealing, killing, and destroying. If you suffer from falling victim to Satan's traps, take heart Michael R. Wiley is a normal person just like you, and he too has been fallen prey to many of these traps set by Satan. Through Michael's life, the author of this book, he shows you how to change your life by changing your mind-set on where you turn for answers. Michael willingly invites you on a journey with him to explore some of the hard roads he walked and the life mistakes that he made and how he dealt with them. He then gives you food for thought to try and help direct lost souls to God. Michael was once the epitome of a lost soul who shares his trials, tragedies, and eventual ultimate victories due to his faith in God. God's awesome mercy and grace led him to wondrous, life-transforming truth, and he reveals his thoughts and feelings every step of the way.
Now it's your turn to join God's family or recommit your life back to him by
gaining control over your fleshly passions; recognizing damaging mind frames and turning to God to allow him to stop them from influencing your life; take up arms with the word of God, allow him to protect you from the devil's evil plans; and ultimately refuse to live another day incarcerated by Satan's evil schemes. Keep a watchful eye on your weary links while traveling the earthly paths engineered by Satan