✓Briards are handsome, large dogs with their striking, long, flowing coats. They were originally bred as working dogs, herding and guarding flocks of sheep in France where they were highly valued for their alert, kind and loyal natures. They are known to be extremely courageous, but rarely would a Briard show any sort of aggressive behaviour unless they feel threatened in any way.
✓They thrive in a home environment being especially patient and tolerant around children of all ages. However, Briards must be trained with a gentle yet firm hand because these large dogs are not aware of their size or their strength. Their coats may be glorious, but they are high maintenance on the grooming front and dogs need a minimum of 2-hour's daily exercise to be truly happy. With this said, the Briard is not the best choice for first time dog owners, being better suited to people who are familiar with the needs of such a large and extrovert dog.
♥Find out more about this wonderful breed in my book.♥