Brian, along with his hapless hunchback and spineless hell hound, flee his mansion after it's invaded by irate villagers demanding the return of virgins that he is holding captive in the basement. Taking one of these prisoners with them, they go to seek the advice of his Great Uncle Nos in regards the forced eviction.
Great Uncle Nos suggests two possible courses of action before the villagers arrive at the old monsters home and Brian is forced to flee with his companions once again. A new ally soon joins them, the gun and grenade toting Little Red Riding Hoodie. Together they embark on a quest to find a way to return to the vamp's ancestral home. Pursued by angry villagers, freedom fighting spiders and the famous vampire slayer Van Ding-a-Ling, it's a quest fraught with danger and woven with webs.
Brian the Vampire is a crazy adventure packed with humour. An unforgettable romp, you'll be smiling all the way to the end and beyond.
The book includes the bonus short story Reggie Smart & The Hound of the Basket-Cases and is available on Kindle and in paperback.
'I laughed so much my head fell off' - The Headless Horseman
'It had me in stitches' - Frankenstein's Monster