My father divorced my mother when I was 5.
Thus began a life long adventure in looking for and (mostly) not finding my father.
My passion for writing poetry came as I discovered a viable tool for processing my anger, confusion, guilt and fractured self image.
''Breakfast with my Father'' began in 2016 as I made my way from California to Minnesota. On the way to my newly appointed church music position, I travelled through the city of my birth, Bismark, N.D. I visited for the first time the house where I lived.
I visited the church my father pastored. I visited with the, now, aged woman who took care of me during the first two years of my life.
I found myself immersed into the life of my parents; their thoughts about each other and the descision to grow their little fractured family.
These poems are my attempt at reconciling the feelings of a 5 year-old with those of a grown man, father and grandfather.
This is my pilgrimage. I do not relate actual historical events or empirical truth.
You are welcome to join me!
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