Brains & Baubles: Do What Works for You chronicles Davina's own venture into introspection and personal fulfillment. Davina shares how she uncovers her thoughts, feelings, plans, obsessions, and dreams and pursues activities that bring more joy to her life.
In 10 years as a Humanities professor, Davina has researched the theory of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and taught the concept to a diverse range of students and clients. As a result, she developed The BLING Concept to show people how to manage their emotions and look at situations from different perspectives as they pursue personal goals. Brains & Baubles: Do What Works for You offers tips on how to ride the emotional rollercoaster of life by using the theory of emotional intelligence to curate the lifestyle you want.
Davina explores how to shake loose perceived emotional and financial restraints that prevent women from chasing achievable happiness.
Brains & Baubles: Do What Works for You presents solutions and positive encouragement for women to seek what makes them happy as individuals (not what makes everyone else happy).