Love, like fire, is a chain reaction.
Boys with Matches is a collection of short stories from Flint and Tinder. It includes the following:
Jim visits Emmett at the psychiatric hospital. This story is a prequel and takes place before Ember Boys.
Jim and Emmett go to the beach. This story takes place between Ember Boys and Queer Fires.
A series of vignettes leading up to Valentine's Day. This story takes place between Ember Boys and Queer Fires.
Jim and Emmett explore new territory in their relationship. This story takes place between Queer Fires and The Whole World Tinder.
"Boys with Matches"
Jim and Emmett go on a road trip to check out prospective colleges. This story is set after The Whole World Tinder.
Please note that the first four stories were distributed previously in various formats.
"Boys with Matches" is exclusively available in this collection.