The characters in Box Camera Chronicles reflect the noble dreams of people who confront the conflicts between the old and the new worlds. The stories take place in the 20th century. Several are about immigrants who arrived in New York City around the turn of the century; others are set in such diverse places as Mexico and Egypt and capture the allure of different cultures.
"These are in large measure gritty, evocative, insightful stories, capturing with some powerful effect a time and culture with the grainy honesty of black-and-white photography."
-Shelley Lowenkopf, editor-in-chief, ABC-Clio Books"There is a marvelous sensitivity to the understated drama of real life, conveyed here in finely-crafted scenes, arresting characters, and vivid description evocative of a past world."
-Leonard Tourney, lecturer in the Writing Program at UC Santa Barbara."Pearl Atkins Schwartz has an exquisite eye for detail. In the story, Brooklyn Days, the plot twists ironically, and we watch Jewish immigrants emerge from their struggle and despair and attain tragic splendor. Brooklyn Days, is one of the best stories I have read anywhere--ever. But select your own favorite in Box Camera Chronicles. These are amazing stories. You will never forget them."
-Mary H. Webb, The God Hustlers
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