Everything librarians need to know to get the most out of booktalking with their teen readers.
Booktalking with Teens prepares and inspires librarians to get the most out of booktalking by probing teen reading experiences, illustrating step-by-step booktalk writing instructions, building booktalk programs, and coaching booktalk performance. The book begins by exploring the emotional and intellectual experiences teens report when they read, then examines the many themes, genres, and topics of teen fiction, graphic novels, classics, and nonfiction. The second section focuses on writing booktalks and the third on selecting booktalks for different audiences. Performance topics include preparation for performance, delivery techniques, and interacting with teens. Finally, you will discover how to align your booktalk program with the vision and goals of your library and school district and how to use the expertise, energy, and excitement of booktalking to empower the library staff and raise the library's visibility and value in the community.Related Subjects
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