Crime marches on even as millions worldwide are dying because of a tiny crown-shaped virus. The BLD Holistic Detective Agency detective Lou, Dirk, Blackie, and Cheech Le Beak are investigating human and animal trafficking. They are investigating the bank scandal of millions of dollars of dirty money from human and animal trafficking. Their friend JEDI Cosmos is working at the bank, collecting evidence, and now must go into Witness Protection to save himself from the bad guys who don't want him to testify. JEDI disappears.
Blackie and his friends take a cruise on the Columbia River as they wait to hear from JEDI and try to keep him safe. Grandpa Herc, the geologist, explains the prehistory of Missoula floods, volcanos, and tectonic movements. Meanwhile gangs of criminals who want to eliminate JEDI surround them on the cruise boat.
A friendly robot attaches itself to Lou and Blackie.
Some of the criminals threaten to blow up the Hanford nuclear plant on the river. There is evidence that rioters will attack the Washington State capitol. Will Blackie and Cheech stop the explosion, save Jedi, and save the state capitol building? A lot of detective work is going to be needed.