A journey through the deepest mysteries of the universe. What we may have thought about as a multiverse, are they just 10 dimensions separated from each other during the big bang? Will a time come when big bang doesn't occur anymore? Can a white hole become a black hole? Is there a Supreme Power or is it just the work of geometry? Does the space time has two sides? What is a wormhole? Can a wormhole be considered like a black hole or is it just a sudden reaction which fades away quickly? What is on the other end? Are the parallel universes similar or distinct in ways we cannot even imagine? Is our system isolated or part of a bigger one? Can we travel through a black hole? Can a black hole die? Is our universe the parent or the child universe? Well, these troubling questions have a way beyond astonishing answers. So, embrace yourselves and get ready for a journey which will change your perspective about the world.
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Teen & Young Adult