In the past few years, the world has seen the tendency towards favoring decentralized systems, rather than depending on a central authority. The infrastructure that is allowing this revolution to take place is called Blockchain.
What is it? In the words of Don and Alex Tapscott, two of the biggest experts in the cryptocurrency sphere, "The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions, but virtually anything of value."
On the blockchain, different cryptocurrencies have been developed. Today, there are more than 1300 cryptos on the market, each one with its own features.
The market of cryptocurrencies has now reached over 350 billion dollar in evaluation. It is a remarkable achievement, since now this industry is bigger than McDonald's and Pepsi. If this phenomenon could be left outside the media a few years ago, now it is impossible to deny that there is a true revolution in act.
With his flawless style and his profound knowledge, Corey managed to put together a simple yet efficient approach to introduce people to the world of blockchain and cryptos.
This manual goes into well researched and newbie friendly reflections about the most important aspects of blockchain and cryptocurrency, such as:
What Blockchain isBlockchain's FutureDifferences Between Blockchain and BitcoinPros and Cons of the Blockchain InfrastructureThe Relationship between Blockchain and the Financial IndustryHow can Blockchain affect other Industries What Hard Forks are The Big Impact of BlockchainWhat Is a Cryptocurrency?Basic Knowledge of Cryptocurrency LanguageWhat Are Altcoins?What Is An ICO?How Many Cryptocurrencies Are There?Main Cryptocurrencies How Do You Store Cryptocurrencies?Chapter 8: ExchangesShort-Term Trading and Long-Term InvestingHow to Build a Profitable PortfolioDetermining a Cryptocurrency's Future ValueBy reading this book, you not only get a better understanding of cryptocurrencies and blockchain's world in general, but you get access to powerful information that provide a 360 education.
Disclaimer: this book is not for you if your goal is to get a quick and superficial grasp of cryptos and blockchain.
Corey fully believes in this new financial system and wanted to offer a complete education trough this manual, while still letting the average Joe to understand it easily.
Do you want to understand the world of cryptos and blockchain and join the Financial Revolution?This bundle will accelerate your education.