This is a book detailing my journey through the COVID lockdown and how, with the help of building a hide, I was able to continue my love of photography and nature during the pandemic. The Lockdown Hide contains photographs of birds that visit the hide on a regular basis, namely 35 different species so far.
I consider myself an amateur photographer as I have only been taking photographs for about 6-7 years. I have a love for nature which pans back to when I was able to get out into the garden as a child. I am self-taught, learning as I go and continually setting myself challenges to improve myself and my photographs. My aim is always to do my subject matter justice, which is more achievable now in the digital age. This would have been a very expensive hobby if we still used film as I take thousands of photographs a week.
If I could offer you any advice, it would be that you are never too old to learn. Don't be too proud to ask if you don't know something, and always help others starting off, as we all have to begin somewhere.