Billy/Amusing Memoirs from a Unique and Cherished Period in America
By: William J. Keenan
Billy/Amusing Memoirs from a Unique and Cherished Period in America is the historical account of one kid's sometimes comical experiences growing up in a different time, and demonstrates just how much can change over the years. From the young to the old, there is a great value in listening to stories from a bygone era and taking a moment to appreciate a snippet in time. Others born during that quintessential time in American history, the period of that great BOOM of babies born, will reminisce and perhaps even find their own voice to share with others.
About the Author
William J. Keenan was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He attended Catholic elementary and high school in the northeast section of the city. Later, he married, and together he and his wife raised five children in the same area. William has worked in various manufacturing industries as a tool and die maker, diesel mechanic, rail car machinist, and plant engineer. Ultimately, he had the good fortune to work abroad (three years in Spain and seventeen in Japan) as a quality assurance consultant in the passenger rail car manufacturing sector. He is currently retired and living in Venice, Florida, with his precious wife Yuko.