Dr. Gene Crumbley is an 80 year old Doctor of Chiropractic; having retired at age 70 after 40 years of active practice. He was an active Deacon at First Baptist Church Atlanta, until 2002, and taught adult Sunday School classes for many years. He has a God given gift of being able to put words into rhyme. His goal was to put the famous stories of the Bible into rhyme without compromising the integrity of God's word. With some paraphrasing, and a little poetic license, he has managed to do just that. Also included in this book are poems and song lyrics he has written over the years, and Bible verses that apply to some of the poems.He is a Christian, having accepted Jesus as Saviour at the age of 33. He has published a children's book, "A Little Boy ad His Trains"; a true story about his youngest grandson and his different train adventures. Shortly before Christmas 2006 his song, "Santa's Sleigh", was published and aired on a number of radio stations.He is in the process of writing a book about a fictitious little girl and the real birds, butterflies, and other "critters", she has seen in her backyard and other places.He enjoys photography, and most of the pictures in his bird book were taken by him, as were the pictures on the cover and pages of this book.By putting these stories to rhyme, he has made them seem to come to alive. This book was written for adults, but children will also enjoy reading these stories, or having them read by their parents or grandparents. Very exciting