Short of the Book
Bianca runs to help someone calling for help in an alleyway. A guy comes running over to help, and they talk while waiting for the rescue. His name is Troy. Bianca's house is broken into that same night. The lead detective moves her into his house to keep her safe, and they fall in love. Troy ends up being Stone's brother Justin. He is undercover in an organization run by Alex. Alex likes Bianca and has stalked her for years. Justin kidnaps Bianca and Stone while they are away for a wedding in the south. They escape and return home. While at home, Bianca is in the barn while Stone has security cameras installed. She returns to the house to find it empty, and when she watches the camera footage, it shows Justin kidnapping Stone again. She calls her brother Andrew for help. She has an earpiece in so Andrew could track her and listen. She calls Justin and tells him to come and get her. He convinces her to act like his girlfriend, and hopefully, it would get Alex off her back. They go to Alex's, and it doesn't work, so they pull out guns on Alex while waiting for the police, whom Andrew called. Alex tells her Stone is in the garage in the second cell. She gets to the cell, and there is a limp body curled up in the back corner. Stone doesn't respond to her. Finally, Justin suggests asking Alex where the keys are after they couldn't find them anywhere. When they go upstairs, everyone is gone--the SWAT team, Alex and his goons, the desks. Not even a piece of paper is left. Justin goes outside to see where they went, and he never returns. Bianca goes back down to the cell, and it is empty. All the lights go off, she had no cell service, the ear piece stops working, and the elevator isn't working. She is stuck there until Andrew comes to the rescue. He used a power pack he had to get the elevator to work to get her out. He was outside and put tracers on all the police vehicles in case they had to trace where they went. Justin was arrested as well--no one believed he was a cop undercover. Andrew and Bianca go back to Stone's house and set up computers to start tracking everyone. They call in reinforcements, and that is where the book ends.