Which will you prefer-a single bountiful crop or a perpetual harvest, which, although it may begin small, continues to increase both quantitatively and qualitatively, as the years go by?
Which will you prefer-a one-cycle spectacular move of God or an ever-increasing perpetual outpouring of His anointing? The choice is yours
The above is representative of the depth of thought-provoking, spirit-igniting revelation that Apostle Vivian Duncan has released in this book that you now hold in your hands. Yes, Beyond Revival...It's Time For The Outpouring, is guaranteed to challenge and transform long-held concepts pertaining to the seasons and cycles through which God takes His Church, in pursuit of divine destiny and purpose in the earth. His original intent, even from the day of Pentecost, was to have one continuous movement ever increasing in momentum and intensity, which would take His Church from one stage of glory to another. Read at the risk of being transformed