"They did not think, we could break in upside down, did they?" Helene whispered in the dimlit vault, as security beams far beneath them, danced dangerously close to where, from the Airconditioner pipe opening, the two strands of Air silk had stopped. Meanwhile, raking his fingers through his dark hair, Helene's younger brother, Highball, paced in the suite below, while listening for any sounds, coming from the airconditioner pipe. "Only this job and my family is together and can for the rest of our lives, live comfortably "
The petite Helene stared down at her brother Tony, she dared not move anything other than her eyes because she was hanging from the same Airsilk as Tony was. And when Tony hooked his legs over hers, he hung down, to reach the safety drawer 1196. Perspiration was collecting on his brow, when he whispered. "Even one drop falling, would set off the electronic sucurity beams, that danced a small way from him. The injury Helene had the previous evening at practice, was playing up as the Airsilk at her scissored ankle, bit into her flesh.