In this fun children's book brimming with action, children (ages 3 to 8, give or take) learn about a wonderful bookworm, Betsy, who is very smart and fun, and adventurous. Her favorite thing to do is to read books day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.
You see, Betsy loves books. Shiny new books. Dusty old books. Big books. Little books.
Betsy comes from a long line of proud book lovers. She traces her ancestors back hundreds of years when worms ate books because they could not read. But, once they learned to read, the worms fell in love with books and became bookworms - little worms that like to read more than anything else in the whole wide world.
But Betsy's world turned topsy-turvy. Bookworms became too busy watching TV, too busy playing video games, sending messages on smartphones and wrapping their little heads in earphones. Her bookworm friends wanted computers, iPads and Wi-Fi. They wished for mobile devices of all kinds. Not books.
But don't worry There was a REVOLUTION Betsy created a BOOK REVOLUTION
You see, using her smartphone and computer, Betsy united groups of real bookworms around the world. Betsy's mission: Share the importance of reading books for all time
This wonderful book that promotes print books, libraries and bookstores takes children, as well as their parents and teachers, on an exciting path to make sure BOOKS LIVE