During the flight from Paris to Beijing on the presidential jet, he and his traveling companion have a lively, quick-fire conversation about China. What comes to light is far from the preconceived ideas held in the West. We see the true nature of the new Chinese cultural revolution, backed by technology, service industries, and the thirst for consumer goods - an unexpected source of inspiration when it comes to reforming Western economies.
David Baverez is a private investor. He has been based in Hong Kong since 2012, where he finances and advises various starts-up. Previously, he was a fund manager for 15 years, first at Fidelity Investments in London and Boston, then as the Founding Partner of KDA Capital, a European Equity fund, until 2010.
He first published Beijing Express in France ( Paris-P kin Express - La Nouvelle Chine racont e au futur Pr sident; ditions Fran ois Bourin, 2017). He is also is the author of G n ration Tonique - L'Occident est compl tement l'Ouest (Plon, 2015) and is a regular columnist in French newspapers L'Opinion and Les Echos.