BEHOLD, I SHEW YOU A MYSTERY is a handbook for non-denominational Bible study and provides brief descriptions of four of the world's five major religions as well as modifications man has made to them.
Based fully upon the text of 1 Corinthians 15:35-51, BEHOLD counsels the Christian whose affirmation was to an unsubstantiated system of belief and guides him through primitive religious practices which eventuate to Christianity. It breaks down Biblical terminology and theoretically restructures the allegories into credible accounts, affording its reader a greater understanding of the Bible, with emphasis upon our misinterpretations of salvation, redemption, and the meting of justice toward man by GOD.
Holding the subjected text in focus, BEHOLD unravels the mysteries concealed within the cycles of life, the Fall of Adam and the rise and fall of the dinosaur - events which chronicle our resurrection to the natural occurrence of eternal life, despite proclamations, as we understand them, from the Bible