Georgina Rose (also known as "Da'at Darling") brings Aleister Crowley's spiritual path of Thelema to life for a new generation of spiritual seekers.
There are few occult paradigms that have the mystery and allure of Thelema, the religious system, philosophy, and magickal framework founded by Aleister Crowley. While Crowley himself is surrounded by controversy and intrigue, Thelema has a life well beyond Crowley's influence. Over the past century, Thelema has attracted a community represented by various thinkers, sects, and schools of thought. While often considered a ceremonial practice of initiates, Thelema is now being sought out by practitioners who want to pursue it as solitary spiritual practice, an approach made possible by the internet. Begin with True Will speaks to this audience of spiritual seekers, offering an inclusive approach to Thelema that has been adapted to the conditions of the modern world. Here, she introduces an approach to Thelema that is fit for the new generation of Thelemites. She explores every aspect of Thelema from philosophy, metaphysics, and everyday living, ritual work, and history, and explains what it means to be a solitary Thelemite. She also outlines how every Thelemite's path is different and suggests that readers should use their discretion and follow their own True Will--realizing their own life in Thelema.