Walking with the gods, Elias rediscovers a beautiful yet traumatic past. He was once in love, joined a dangerous Cuban revolutionary group and was left to die after bring betrayed.
Now these higher beings demand revenge but does more death give Elias a second chance at life or does it condemn him?
For fans of literary fiction and magical realism. Bedlam poetically examines the fragile soul of a man who has experienced the beauty of love and the inhumanity of those that seek power at any cost.
The debut novel spans over thirty years during three tumultuous periods in Cuban history: the Cuban revolution, the Castro dictatorship and the fall of the Soviet Union. Blending mythology with a tragic story of love and loss, Bedlam is a 77,000-word novel.
At that moment, I wasn't interested in engaging him, instead, I was too distracted. That strange erratic light had now come closer. The size of a baseball, the orb moved like a wild bumble bee just twenty feet away. It fluttered to and fro, up and over as it streamed across the palm trees, floor and sky. Was it a large firefly? A group of fireflies?
Stranger yet, it seemed like I was the only one distracted by its presence. Everyone else ignored the pulsating orb while it repeatedly, and hectically, flew right past or hovered near them. At an angle above the water it suddenly stopped. The object spiraled and turned in place until it grew still. For some reason, I got the feeling that it was staring right at me.
Eventually, I became more certain as it slowly moved in my direction.