Coloring pictures for small and big kids. For children from 4 years.
All illustrations are drawn by Silvan Kaeser
Many cute bear coloring pictures that are also mandalas. Each illustration can be downloaded again via QR code as many times as you want. Free without registration. So you can also use the illustrations for school classes, kindergarten, children's birthdays.
* Large notebook on 53 pages
* Notebook 8.5x11"
* 25 funny bears to color in
* For big and small children from 4 years
* Download each picture with QR code - for free
* Paperback with matte soft cover
* Designed in Switzerland
The perfect gift and souvenir.
You will find these themes in this cute bear coloring book:
- Toboggan bear
- Carnival bear
- Family bears with baby
- Easter bear
- Easter bunny with bear
- Flower bear
- Butterfly with bear
- Teeth brushing bear
- Toothpaste bear
- Gift bear
- Birthday bear
- Fruit bear
- Reading bear
- Volley bear
- Football bear
- Fire bear
- Car bear
- Space bear
- Summer Holiday bear
- Heart bear
- Love bear
- Pajama bear
- Dr. bear
- Sick bear
- Kiss bear
Author: - Silvan Kaeser. As an advertising agency in Lucerne, we have already designed several books. We are happy about every purchase and look forward to hopefully many positive feedbacks in the reviews.