Watch out - Bear is Hangry Rabbit and Hare learn quickly that their good friend Bear is not in no mood to play. They follow him around, trying to figure out what is wrong. Eventually Rabbit notices Bear looking at some honey and berries. He realizes that his friend has forgotten to eat.
After a quick meal, Bear is ready to enjoy the day with his friends. The trio learns a valuable lesson about the importance of eating, especially after you've just woken up from a long nap.
Bear is Hangry is Book 2 of the Forest Friends series of children's books, starring the trio of Bear, Hare and Rabbit. This early reader series explores themes related to understanding and controlling early emotions. These books also feature rhyming verses with early vocabulary words, combing helpful life lessons with phonics.
Author and illustrator Dominic Villari's books feature well-developed stories with heart and humor that appeal to kids and parents alike. These timeless tales will grow with you and your children through pre-reading, beginning reading and novice reading.
Themes: Understanding AngerControlling emotionsAge Grade Range: 4 to 6 yearsPre-K to First GradeOther Books in this Series: Don't Poke the Bear - Keeping your hands to yourselfRabbit is Rammy - Practicing PatienceExcerpt:Bear wakes up from a long sleep,
And emerges from his den so deep.
He scans the woods with some care,
And see his friends Rabbit and Hare.
Rabbit smiles and waves to Bear,
Bear just grunts and stops to stare.
He watches his friends at play,
And then decides not to stay.
Hare suggestions they follow their friend,
Rabbit nods and hops around a bend.
They find bear near a group of trees,
Staring up at some buzzing bees.
Rabbit asks Bear if he wants to play,
Bear just grunts and turns away.
Hare suggests they take a walk,
But stubborn Bear will not talk.
About the Author:Dominic Villari is well versed in the art and science of making stuff up and is often caught talking to things, especially when they don't work right or are difficult to put together. These pursuits occasionally spill out onto paper in illustrated children's books such as Sun and Moon, Bear is Hangry and The Yelling Monsters and fiction books such as The Wandering Princess and Talks to Things. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and daughter, both of whom have gotten better about knowing when he's making stuff up.