Declaring W.A.R. on Bullying one student at a time. (We All Rise)
This book series is designed to focus on issues that our youth are struggling and dealing with on a daily basis. Don's hope is that by sitting down for a few minutes a day, we will start teaching our youth how to be a true superhero, by teaching the things that have been lost in this fast-paced world. By sitting down and reading to our children we are teaching them a valuable lesson which will set them up for success as they continue to get older, as well as getting to spend some time with them. Our children are living in a world where the phone is their friend, and their idol is the TV. Let's get our children back by taking 15 minutes a day to read to them and teaching them that they are the true superhero. I look forward to seeing true superheroes emerge as We All Rise to create a better, bully free world one student at a time.