Los ingenieros aerodin micos pueden hacer un buen argumento de que la abejita no puede volar porque no fue dise ada para volar. Sus alas son muy peque as y su cuerpo es muy pesado y ancho. Pero, la abejita ignoro este argumento y si vuela. Y porque si vuela, la abejita se ha hecho un s mbolo importante para aquellos a quienes se les dijo que no pod an volar y lo hicieron aun asi.
Aerodynamic engineers can make a good argument that the bumblebee cannot fly because it's not designed to fly. Its wings are too short and its body is too heavy and wide. But, the bumblebee ignored this argument and can fly. And, because it does fly, the bumblebee has become an important symbol for those who have been told they could not do it and did it anyway.
Barnibee, La Abejita Asombrosa is the Spanish version of Dr. J. Rodney Short's popular children's book, Barnibee, The Amazing Bumblebee. This inspirational tale has encouraged children of all ages to overcome negativity to try to become what they are meant to be.