1. An Introduction to Barley: The Crop and the Model
Wendy A. Harwood
2. Mutation Breeding in Barley: Historical Overview
Ludmila Ohnoutkova
3. A Practical Guide to Barley Crossing
William T.B. Thomas, Hazel Bull, Allan Booth, Ruth Hamilton, Brian P. Forster, and Jerome D. Franckowiak
4. Barley Anther Culture
Ludmila Ohnoutkova, Tomas Vlcko, and Mentewab Ayalew
5. Isolated Microspore Culture in Barley
Patricio Esteves and Fran?ois J. Belzile
6. TILLING in Barley
Matthias Jost, Miriam Szurman-Zubrzycka, Katarzyna Gajek, Iwona Szarejko, and Nils Stein
7. Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) for Functional Characterization of Disease Resistance Genes in Barley Seedlings
Lokanadha R. Gunupuru, Alexandre Perochon, Shahin S. Ali, Steven R. Scofield, and Fiona M. Doohan
8. Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Barley Immature Embryos
Alison Hinchliffe and Wendy A. Harwood
9. Methods for the Simple and Reliable Assessment of Barley Sensitivity to Abiotic Stresses during Early Development
Agata Daszkowska-Golec, Anna Skubacz, Marzena Kurowska, Michal Slota, Dorota Swiergolik, and Iwona Szarejko
10. Preparation of Barley Roots for Histological, Structural, and Immunolocalization Studies Using Light and Electron Microscopy
Marek Marzec and Michael Melzer
11. Preparation of Barley Pollen Mother Cells for Confocal and Super Resolution Microscopy
Sybille Mittmann, Mikel Arrieta, Luke Ramsay, Robbie Waugh, and Isabelle Colas
12. Microarrays for High-Throughput Gene Expression Analysis of Barley
Jenny A. Morris and Pete E. Hedley
13. Genome Engineering Using TALENs
Goetz Hensel and Jochen Kumlehn
14. Creating Targeted Gene Knock-Outs in Barley Using CRISPR/Cas9
Tom Lawrenson and Wendy Harwood
15. Genotyping-by-Sequencing on the Ion Torrent Platform in Barley
Amina Abed, Ga?tan L?gar?, Sonia Pomerleau, J?r?me St-Cyr, Brian Boyle, and Fran?ois Belzile
16. DNA Methylation Analysis in Barley and Other Species with Large Genomes
Karolina Chwialkowska, Urszula Korotko, and Miroslaw Kwasniewski
17. High Resolution RT-PCR Analysis of Alternative Barley Transcripts
Craig G. Simpson, John Fuller, Paulo Rapazote-Flores, Claus-Dieter Mayer, Cristiane P.G. Calixto, Linda Milne, Pe
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