Bean Flour is a wonderful gluten free alternative for flour or starch when used in a recipe. It's healthy, full of fiber, and can easily be made when you need it. Dried beans are a great source of healthy minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, magnesium, and are high protein which makes them a staple in every frugal pantry. Bean flour is best used as a thickener in your favorite soups or stews. It can also be used as a thickener in homemade sauces, giving them a higher nutrient amount versus adding ingredients such as corn starch. Bean flour can replace some of the flour in a recipe for cookies, muffins, or other quick baked goods. Be sure to use no more than a 1:3 ratio when subbing in bean flour for regular flour. You can reconstitute the beans in the flour to make creamy refried bean dishes and dips. Bean flour makes great flatbreads, pizza crusts, and other hearty foods.