Firstly a huge congratulations on the birth of your baby.
The Babylogue is a newborn baby daily journal to record your baby's feeds, sleep and nappy changes over a 24 hour period.
The inspiration to create the Babylogue came from working as a maternity nurse, supporting new parents. Writing in a baby record book allows you to monitor your baby's progress and to quickly identify any changes to your baby's daily routine.
Documenting your baby's feed and sleep pattern will make it easier to observe your baby's natural rhythm, giving you a better understanding of your baby's needs and why your little one may be unsettled at times.
You can monitor your baby's feeds, whether you are breastfeeding, chestfeeding or giving expressed breast milk or formula.
Key features of the Babylogue
- Easy to use glossy A5 baby daily log book
- 24 hour baby tracker
- Double-sided daily logbook per 24 hours
- Useful tick box for your baby's nappy changes
- Expressing
- Sleep
- Notes
- Emergency contact details
- Medication consent form and administration record
- Practical information on the preparation and storage of formula and breast milk, and safe sleeping guidelines
The Babylogue is a keepsake baby daily logbook, designed for both parents and carers. I hope that you enjoy writing in it as much as I have enjoyed creating it.
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