My name is Zhanna Telmanovna Oganesyan, and I was born with passion That is my motivation Lots of bumpy rides and flights took me to the right direction. This allowed me to fully bloom and reach my highest potential. Enormous love toward children appeared in me from very young ages and inspired me to get out of my way and go to a different direction.
As a child, I brought home many stray dogs and cats, but I was always heartbroken because I was never allowed to keep them. In the earliest opportunities in life, I became proud owner of two toy Pomeranians. I named them Baby and Elizabeth. Baby is full of energy and character. Elizabeth is very sweet and lovely. They brightened my life and brought new joy and meaning to it. I have shown compassionate love toward children by writing little poems for my neighbor's kids and helping them memorize it. My two compassions incorporated together to create this lovely book for our young generation. Hope everyone enjoys it