The central character of the Bible is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The Old Testament points to His first coming as the Savior of the world. The Gospels relay His biography while on earth, and the remainder of the New Testament point to His return to earth as the divine ruler of heaven and earth. The lamb is the figure used throughout the Bible to point to many characteristics of Jesus-He being the perfect sacrifice for mankind, the scapegoat for man's sin, and the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Tales from the Sheep Pen is a collection of stories written for children in third to fifth grade. Using sheep of many personalities, these stories are written to teach some of the difficult passages in the Old Testament that use sheep to point to Jesus. The sheep include Jewel, Rambo, Raphael, Roi, and Aries with Mama, Grampa, and Grammie teaching the lessons to the little sheep.