Barry M. Prizant, CCC-SLP, Brown University and author of Uniquely Human: A
Different Way of Seeing Autism
therapist Yasmine White shares the insights she's developed after decades of
working with children, teens and adults on the autism spectrum, both in private
practice and as founder of Voices Together, a non-profit music therapy
organization that brings her effective techniques to schools across North
Carolina. The techniques featured in this book are designed to bring back the
connection of joy, motivation, and understanding that everyone needs in order
to truly grow.
any parent of a child with autism understands, sometimes helping your child can
feel overwhelmingly hard. Autism and the Power of Music helps find
insightful, practical new ways for you and your child to connect through music,
even when it feels difficult. Because music and language may be processed in
the same hemisphere of the brain in children on the spectrum, the techniques in
this book can help unlock language in an entirely new way. Music becomes a
bridge to help children access language in ways other approaches cannot.
Dr. Terri L. Shelton says in her foreword, "To have an interaction that is
affirming, fun, and successful, that builds on the child's strengths and
preferences and enhances their interest in engaging and ability to sustain that
engagement increases the chance that all other encounters, whether with their
friends, their families, or with therapists and teachers, will be successful."