A poor young girl living in a shady mobile home park in Aurora seeks to escape the dangers of pimps, drug dealers and sexual predators. Her mother was raped by her father, a drug dealer and sex trafficker in the Ukraine, supporting them as an illegal immigrant selling herself out as an Escort. On the daughter's 16th birthday, she buys her a stylish black dress and brings home a flyer seeking to find the next top model, and the daughter, Angie, is beautiful and they hope she gets work modeling to earn money, move from Aurora, and become citizens.
The modeling solicitation is a front for a sex trafficking ring from Russia, and both Angie and her mother, Cindy, are drugged and trafficked to Russia as a prized possession for the richest and most vile of men.
Catching the attention of Mike, a one-time glamour photographer turned field agent to catch predators and traffickers, he is their only hope of being saved. His own sister had been trafficked and the reason he left glamour photography. His life mission is to save women from becoming the "property" of sick, rich, ruthless buyers.
Filled with violence, intrigue, sex, and international espionage, Aurora by Terry Ulick is a thriller with a message for all who think the world of modelling is safe for young children or teenage girls.